"RETHINK & RECONSTRUCT” - raffled.edu.my
Raffles Kuala Lumpur “Design To Sustain – RETHINK & RECONSTRUCT” Submission at KLFW 2021
Design To Sustain, an initiative to express its support towards sustainable and ethical fashion.
For KLFW 2021, RETHINK & RECONSTRUCT once again invited 15 young and uprising designers to the challenge of creating sustainable fashionable runway-worthy pieces to KLFW 2021, working closely together with @klothlifestyle and LifeLine Clothing Malaysia, a Malaysian social entrepreneurship movement for keeping fabrics and plastics away from landfills through the circular economy business model in catalyzing zero fabric wastes in the landfills and instead, giving them new life and purpose.
Check out Raffles Kuala Lumpur students’ submissions for the Design To Sustain – RETHINK & RECONSTRUCT for KLFW ’21.
Bravo to our Fashion Design students Janie Lim & Alicia Tan Liyee!!!
Alicia Tan Liyee
Alicia Tan Liyee
Alicia Tan Liyee
Janie Lim
Janie Lim
Janie Lim
#RafflesKualaLumpur #StudyAtRaffles #RKL #BestCollegeExperience #QualityLearningExperience #SuccessByDesign#RafflesStudents #Learning #Education #CreateYourFuture #BoostYourCreativity #EnhanceYourSkill #Fashion #FashionDesign#FashionSchool #FashionStudents #Sustainability #Rethink #Reconstruct #Photoshoot #KualaLumpurFashionWeek#KLFashionWeek #KLFW #KLFW21 #KlothCares
SOURCE - https://raffles.edu.my/raffles-kuala-lumpur-design-to-sustain-collection-at-klfw-2021/